During these times, people are starting to adapt to the ‘New Normality’ of working from home. Sometimes, it’s hard to work without collaboration and interaction with other people. Creative ideas can emerge when we are working together. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to the process of Design Thinking. Design Thinking is the process of thinking like a designer who pays attention to human needs. It is often used to solve complex problems in the organization, business, and service. In this post, we would like to talk about the possibility of applying Design Thinking to our daily life. The concept of a designer perspective has been used for over 50 years, starting with the UK Design Council including the economist Herbert Simon (Herbert A. Simon), who has written a book on the style of design. That will lead to the concept of focusing on the needs of users. This creates a process that finds user needs. Emphasis on participation and experimentation to develop simple and fun results. by visual communication (Gerber 2020). By the emergence of this concept, the industrial design and service industry awakened, leading to the development of a new thought system. Not relying on the linear process, but can be thought back to verify and replicate. Currently, there are three popular thought processes:
1. Double Diamond by Design Council
The Double Diamond way of thinking is to start with a big data query with a focus on the big picture. Then gradually focus on the details of what you want to study. Therefore, we use questions such as “How can we do…?” to determine the way we work. After that, I started brainstorming ideas from people in the team. And then the last step is development. In summary, the steps are Discover -> Define Issues -> Develop -> Real trial and Deliver
2. IDEO’s Design Process
Creating new solutions based on demand, practicability, and value There is a three-step thinking process:
1. Finding Inspiration issues or issues of interest to be solved must look at the big picture and see a variety of issues
2. Brainstorming or Ideation finding the possibility of solving problems. Summarize the concepts and explore the possibility of their application.
3. Application or Implementation summarized from brainstorming to find a solution to the problem.
3. D.school by Stanford University
The design process of d.school, is very similar to the Double Diamond process, but with a focus on the user. Therefore, additional steps used to create understanding (Empathy) of the thought process consist of 5 steps, which are Understanding -> Identifying Issues -> Brainstorming -> Prototyping -> Testing (The added step is the first step. to increase understanding of what needs to be studied first)
Design Council. 2020. “What Is the Framework for Innovation? Design Council’s Evolved Double Diamond.” 2020. https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/…/what-framework….
Friis Dam, Rikke, and Yu Siang Teo. 2020. “5 Stages in the Design Thinking Process.” 2020. https://www.interaction– http://design.org/…/5-stages-in-the-design-thinking….
Gerber, Niklaus. 2020. “A Critical Review of Design Thinking.” 2020. https://medium.com/@niklausg…/a-critical-review-of-design- thinking-44d8aed89e90.
IDEO. 2020a. “Design Kit.” 2020. https://www.designkit.org/methods.
———. 2020b. “Design Thinking.” 2020. https://designthinking.ideo.com/.
———. 2020c. “Work: A Selection of Case Studies.” 2020. https://www.ideo.com/work.
Kelley, David, and Tim Brown. 2018. “An Introduction to Design Thinking.” Institute of Design at Stanford.